Are my Eye bags severe?

  • 1 September 2024
  • Dr. Sankeerth Reddy

Last updated on September 9, 2024

Are my Eye bags severe?

Eye bags can be categorised into different grades based on their appearance and severity. While there’s no universally standardised grading system, a common way to classify them is as follows:

Grade 0: No Eye Bags

Description: The area under the eyes is smooth and firm without any visible puffiness or discoloration.

Grade 0: No Eye Bags

Grade 1: Mild Eye Bags

Description: Minimal puffiness or swelling under the eyes.

Characteristics: Slight dark circles may be present, but overall, the skin is tight with no sagging.

Grade 1: Mild Eye Bags

Grade 2: Moderate Eye Bags

Description: Noticeable puffiness and swelling.

Characteristics: Dark circles may be more pronounced. There may be some loose skin or minor sagging, and the puffiness is visible but not overly pronounced. Also may experience periodic puffiness especially at daybreak.

Grade 2: Moderate Eye Bags

Grade 3: Severe Eye Bags

Description: Prominent and significant swelling.

Characteristics: Dark circles are deep and pronounced. The skin may be sagging significantly, and fat deposits might be more visible (bulging or drooping), creating a sunken appearance below the eye bag.

Grade 3: Severe Eye Bags

These grades can help determine the appropriate treatment options. Mild cases might benefit from topical treatments or laser eye bag reduction, while more severe grades may require combination treatment with dermal fillers or surgery (blepharoplasty). If you’re concerned about your eye bags, consulting with Dr Sankeerth Reddy can provide personalised advice and treatment options.

Dr. Sankeerth Reddy

About The Author

Dr. Sankeerth Reddy

Dr. Sankeerth Reddy, a seasoned professional in Aesthetic, Public, Sports, and Functional Medicine, brings extensive expertise and innovation to his role. With accreditation by APOC, SMC, and membership in AAAM, SMAS, Society for Men's Health, Singapore, and PAS, his focus on facial rejuvenation, acne scar reduction, and Anti-Aging Aesthetic treatments showcases his notable contributions. As Managing Director and Co-Founder of Zest Clinic in Singapore, he aims to advance aesthetic and regenerative medicine, ensuring superior results and innovative treatments.

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